Tag - Ecocide

Martin Hedberg’s lecture for Klimatsvaret, Citizens Climate Lobby Sweden

This episode differs somewhat from the others, as it is mainly in Swedish. It’s a recording of a talk I had for Klimatsvaret, the Swedish branch of Citizens Climate Lobby.

The talk was about Planetary radiation budget, our dependence upon the biosphere and moral in the form of equality and justice. But also briefly about Complex adaptive systems, innovations, leverage points, responsibility and feedbacks making systems resilient, or making them collapse.

I conclude that we need more of storytelling, and we need to move from ”I have…”, to ”WE have…” or ”WE can…”., That is being more inclusive and transform not only individuals or some companies, but whole societies.

After the recorded talk I give a brief introduction to CCL, Citizens Climate Lobby, how they work and their goal with the method Carbon Fee and Dividend.

If you want to know more about them please visit citizensclimatelobby.org and the Swedish branch klimatsvaret.se.

Feel no despair if you can’t follow my Swedish in this episode, the next will be in english.


Nyttan av att göra Naturen till Subjekt istället för Objekt?

Lyssnade till ett intressant föredrag av juristen Mumta Ito som argumenterar för att man bör ge Naturen egna juridiska rättigheter. På så sätt skulle man kunna kraftigt reducera många fall av destruktiv utrotning av växt- och djurliv som pågår till följd av att det inte finns någon motpart till enskildas (individer eller bolag) ekonomiska särintressen.

Huffington Post har ytterligare bakgrund till den hållbarhetslag som instiftades i Santa Monica 2013 och som nämns i slutet av videon ovan.
