
James Hansen on climate change

James Hansen interviewed by The Economist.

Interesting conclusion that the Conservatives should be the ones in the fore-front of mitigating climate change. Because if humanity don’t act soon, the government will have to take over more of our lives. Governments are the only ones strong enough to deal with all the problems we are facing if we don’t mitigate climate change -and that for sure is something the Conservatives don’t like.

/Martin Hedberg

Climate Change Causes Insurers to Rethink Price of Risk

Super storm Sandy forces insurer to rethink risk. Climate change is the new normal.

But the insurance industry looks at historical data, old and new, in order to assess the risk for potential disasters and put a price on premiums. When climate is changing, the old data is… -old.

And that turmes the analys from that data into something that does not represent reality. This has implications for risk, economy and ultimately well fare and lives.

As the insurance industry realizes the new risks and probable events, the public may find it hard to accept this new pricing of risk. It is therefore in both the public, governmental and insurance industries interests that everybody stays well informed about what is known and understood from a scientific perspective about climate change and future possible events.

Risk and Resilience

Interesting video on risk and resilience. As the author says ”Moving from a system designed for robustness to one that supports resilience represents a significant strategic shift.” 

Dealing with black swans, moving from a Gaussian world to a Pareto world. Moving from probable events via possible to plausible events.

/Martin Hedberg

Michael Mann: The irreversible impacts from Climate Change

Michael Mann från Penn State University om att vi är mycket nära katastrofala gränser i klimatsystemet. För att uppnå 2-graders målet så måste vi snarast minska utsläppen av koldioxid.

Men det är inte som att falla över en klippkant, det är snarare ett allt mer sluttande plan. Men vi närmar oss många problem, tex kan vi snart komma att se accelererade utsläpp av metan från naturen själv. Detta som en konsekvens av den uppvärmning som skett till följd av våra utsläpp.

Osäkerheter i kunskaper har hittills resulterat i att vi hållit fast vid ”business as usual”. Det borde istället vara tvärtom: Osäkerheter borde göra oss mer försiktiga.

Man beskriver en del av sakerna han tar upp i sin bok ”The hockey stick and the climate wars”. Vi kommer, med nuvarande hastighet på utsläpp, att passera kritiska gränsvärden innan år 2036. Det är 22 år från och med idag.

/Martin Hedberg