Tag - COP 22

På väg till Mission Innovation

Jag ser fram emot att deltaga i årets Third Mission Innovation Ministerial MI-3, i Malmö. Mission Innovation är en sammanslutning av 22 länder samt EU som har som mål att skapa grund och genomförande för innovationer som kan hantera klimatproblem, främst inom energisektorn.

Man har definierat syftet som:

Innovation Challenges are global calls to action aimed at accelerating research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in technology areas where Mission Innovation members believe increased international attention would make a significant impact in our shared fight against climate change. The Innovation Challenges cover the entire spectrum of RD&D; from early stage research needs assessments to technology demonstration projects.

Och grupperat frågorna kring sju utmaningar:

  1. Smart Grids Innovation Challenge – to enable future grids that are powered by affordable, reliable, decentralised renewable electricity systems.
  2. Off-Grid Access to Electricity Innovation Challenge – to develop systems that enable off-grid households and communities to access affordable and reliable renewable electricity.
  3. Carbon Capture Innovation Challenge – to enable near-zero CO2 emissions from power plants and carbon intensive industries.
  4. Sustainable Biofuels Innovation Challenge – to develop ways to produce, at scale, widely affordable, advanced biofuels for transportation and industrial applications.
  5. Converting Sunlight Innovation Challenge – to discover affordable ways to convert sunlight into storable solar fuels.
  6. Clean Energy Materials Innovation Challenge – to accelerate the exploration, discovery, and use of new high-performance, low-cost clean energy materials.
  7. Affordable Heating and Cooling of Buildings Innovation Challenge – to make low-carbon heating and cooling affordable for everyone.

Jag kommer att arbeta med Innovation Plant som leder innovationsprocesser kring ett par specifika problemformuleringar som jag är med och definierar.

Sätter mig strax på tåget mot Malmö och ser fram emot den resan också. Tåg är en fantastisk lösning på transportproblem, men tillför också dimensionen av kontemplation, frihet och förutsägbarhet.
